Logistics and International
Freight Transportation
We provide air, sea, and land transport solutions, in Chile and around the world.
In addition, Balmoral delivers related logistical services — such as customs processes, storaging and, export and import management for commercial and industrial freight.
In Chile, Balmoral was chosen as the regional service provider for FedEx Trade Networks.
Our international clients include METS (Mining Equipment, Technology and Service) and Power Generation companies.
We specialise in the logistics and transportation of industrial projects — including oversized and overweight loads.
We carefully evaluate critical aspects that influence the entire transportation journey —from the origin of the loads until their final destination — whether by air, sea, river or land.
We budget ALL of the costs associated with the full logistical process — including national / international transportation duties and taxes — applicable to either individual equipment or complete projects in both their countries of origin and final destinations
Expert professionals conduct Route Analysis Reports — evaluating the conditions for the transportation of oversized and overweight equipment, indicating any necessary improvements to save you time and money in the long-term. This also ensures the safety and correct handling of your freight and a seamless delivery without unpredictable delays. This also ensures the safety and correct handling of your freight and a seamless delivery without unpredictable delays.
Our trusted network is extensive, and we sign service contracts with a variety of well-known and respected industry suppliers of the supply chain — including airlines, shipping lines, ports, highways, land carriers, telecomunication and electricity companies, that our clients do not have access to.
We offer worldwide coverage through our network of international agents —providing a wide range of services accross several industrial sectors.
We work with a team of highly experienced specialists, on a national and international levelin the turn-key management, solutions and delivery of logistical services for commercial and industrial freight.
Because we are going places
Success Stories
Ormat Systems Israel
Ormat realizó la construcción para Geotérmica del Norte (un consorcio formado entre Enap y Enel). Esta fue la primera planta geotérmica de gran escala en Sudamérica — ubicada a 4.500 metros sobre el nivel del mar en la región de Antofagasta, Chile.
Kaltemp construyó dos plantas de energía fotovoltaica, Tambo Real I y II, convirtiéndose en la primera planta fotovoltaica local en conectarse al Sistema Interconectado Central (SIC) de Chile.
Ancor Tecmin
Ancor Tecmin es líder mundial en tecnología y productos de hormigón polimérico, como celdas electrolíticas para procesos de electro-depositación (EW) y electro-refinación (ER) de metales no ferrosos como cobre, zinc, plomo y otros.
CMX Australia
CMX entrego servicios para un cliente australiano que opera alrededor de 1,000 equipos en todo el territorio.
Balmoral inspeccionó el proceso de fabricación en Chile y el carguío en contenedores marítimos de tolvas modulares para camiones mineros.